What are Your Stress Levels Telling You?

Stress is a functional part of life. Without stress, we might not be able to perform actively. On the other hand, stress when taken too much can harbour in negative ways, impacting all areas of your being.

Many times, a patient is referred to me for aches and pain, who has undergone multiple investigations and doctors have found no viable physical reason for his discomfort. Of course, it is the mind that needs the tending while the body will follow eventually.

It is not believable by many that stress can formulate serious psychological issues and can demonstrate itself in physical pretext. This is something not many people understand or talk about.

How can stress showcase itself?

Let’s discuss some common symptoms that may present themselves and you on the other hand feel completely confused about their presence.

    1. Frequent headaches
    2. Heaviness in head
    3. Disturbed sleep
    4. Inability to eat properly or on time
    5. Upset stomach or dysfunctional bowel system
    6. Pain in eyes
    7. Feeling tired or lethargic no matter how much you sleep
    8. Aches and pains in the body
    9. Feeling anxious or nauseous
    10. Irritability or anger outbursts
    11. Tension in shoulders
    12. Unable to relax or unwind
    13. Inability to concentrate appropriately or fidgeting most of the time
    14. Feeling burned out and emotionally spent
    15. Withdrawing from social activities that were once enjoyed

Are these signs and symptoms worrisome?

Stress is stressful but knowing about what is the cause can help in successful management. The above-mentioned signs and symptoms portray a plea from your mind and body to wait and take a breath.

Many times we are not able to address our concerns because of this our emotions and feelings pile up to cause bigger and drastic changes.

While these symptoms may seem worrisome when looked at closely, however, they can be easily managed once we learn to de-stress and maintain an optimal balance between our feelings and emotions.

What can be done for successful management?

Stress can be successfully managed with small steps;

  1. Addressing the cause of stress
  2. Talking about what you are currently undergoing
  3. Maintaining an optimal outlook towards what you can and can not influence
  4. Taking a break and setting multiple breathers throughout your day
  5. Speaking to a professional

Stress is necessary sometimes and that is acceptable but being overridden by this emotion can be problematic. With the appropriate aid of professionals, we can learn how to manage our stress levels and how to not let it hinder our daily living. This is crucial for recovery to understand that not all stress is bad, but the way it is taken care of can have a lot of impact on your decision-making skills.

For any stress-related issue, just get in touch with our expert psychologists and psychiatrists at The Hermitage Rehab – The best rehab center in India. Early intervention can prevent most of the damages that can exploit mental health afterwards We should consult a specialist at the earliest. In today’s world, you will get the support and guidance at every stage of mental illness, so it is highly recommended not to ignore your stress levels at any cost. If you are feeling severe stress or depression or anxiety levels, just schedule a consultation with nearest psychiatrist or psychologists, they will guide you properly and treat your illness with proven techniques and therapies. 


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