Family First Session | Thursday Session | Dr JPS Bhatia #amritsar #hermitagerehab
How important is saying 'NO'
Terminal Uniqueness can hurt you more than you think.
Family First Session | Wednesday Session | Dr. JPS Bhatia | The Hermitage Rehab
4 lies your brain tells you #drjpsbhatia #neuropsychology #neuropsychiatry #addictionhelp
ADDICTION : SLAVERY #drjpsbhatia #addictionrecoverytreatment #addictionhelp #addictiontreatment
Family First Session | Tuesday Session | Dr. JPS Bhatia | The Hermitage Rehab
One thing that destroys patient #drjpsbhatia #addictionrecoverytreatment #addictionhelp
Toxic Shame & Guilt: What is the difference? #drjpsbhatia #toxicshame
Anger in the families of Addicts #drjpsbhatia #addictionrecoverytreatment #angermanagementtips
How brain traps you? #drjpsbhatia #addictionrecoverytreatment #mentalhealthawareness #brainpower
Make your life easier #drjpsbhatia #easylife #easylifestyle #easyliving #lifelessons #healthyliving
Family First Session | Sunday Session | Dr. JPS Bhatia | The Hermitage Rehab