Denial Management

We as humans understand that Addiction is deadly and may have seen our loved ones going over the edge through the years as their disease progressed. Even with considerable losses in their lives, patients with addiction are unable to accept their reality. This state in many cases leaves the lives of sufferers in shreds and is referred to as DENIAL.

The utmost essential piece of information for families and patients going through the journey of addiction and recovery is that Denial is different from lying. Patients strongly believe that they have power over their addictive behavior patterns and despite substantial fatalities, they can control them. Therefore, Denial is simply the symptom of addiction whereas Lying on the other hand is a defect of character and may exist and persist with or without the disease of addiction.

Why patient denies his reality?

The disease of addiction if offers something to the patient, it is the escape from his reality. The ability to not feel anything and at the same time to avoid his responsibilities. When the patient’s life gets haywire because of his addiction he finds solace in his drugs and alcohol.

On the other hand, while undergoing the treatment of addiction patient has to face these suppressed emotions which over a while becomes strenuous and demanding. Denial here provides a buffer to the patient wherein he can flee from his impending feelings and future apprehensions without guilt and remorse.

Are there any patterns of Denial?

Yes, Denial comes in many forms. Some of the most common types of Denial are;

  1. Avoidance: In this form of Denial, the patient will talk about everything but his disease or problems orienting because of his disease. If the family initiates any conversation regarding his addiction, the Patient will naturally change the subject and move on to the next piece of information.
  2. Absolute Denial: When a patient denies having any issue irrespective of what his current conditions state, then it is concluded to be Absolute Denial.
  3. Minimization: During the minimization denial pattern, patients tend to underestimate the gravity of the problem, meaning, they will genuinely believe and state that the situation is not as bad as it looks and that the patient can quit his alcohol/drugs anytime.
  4. Rationalization: When patients give reasonable and logical explanations for the existence of their problems and how these reasons suffice for not actually dealing with them, then it is the denial pattern of rationalization.
  5. Blaming: Blaming is a classic form of denial pattern, wherein patients blame other people for their behavior and how they act. For example, “Because you fought with me and created a stressful environment in the house, that is why I am drinking, to calm down my nerves.”

Denial Management at The Hermitage Rehab

Denial in the disease of addiction can be extremely excruciating for the family and for the recovery of the patient as it may come and go on its own accord. It not only makes the beginning of sobriety complicated but the continuous maintenance of the recovery stage as well becomes arduous.

Dr. JPS Bhatia for the last three decades has been successfully dealing with patients and families suffering from the disease of addiction. He and his team of mental health experts efficaciously work together to build insight into patients undergoing Denial and train families to break the chain of years of this defense mechanism and aid them towards initiating their long-due journey of an addiction-free life. 

We offer a well-researched, authentic, and validated program at the Hermitage Rehab that has become a proven antidote for the vicious cycle of denial and its patterns.