Have you ever felt aches and pains in your body that no doctor could explain? No matter how many tests, MRI or CT scans you went through, at last everything would come out to be normal, and yet you would feel that sensation in your body. Then, this article is for you.
Medically unexplained symptoms are those that may look and feel like some physical ailment but the evidence of their presence is nil. For instance, you have a severe headache that is becoming unmanageable and is hindering your daily life but when you go for your check-up and the concerned doctor conducts some tests, all your reports come out to be usual.
In such cases, patients tend to get frustrated and may end up feeling that no one can understand their pain and discomfort, and families on the other hand may start believing that the patient is making a fuss without a reason, often causing rift and tension in relationships.
During stressful situations, our body releases a chemical called Adrenaline. The job of this chemical is to prepare our body for any unexpected situation which sometimes might be fear causing. Therefore, creating a fight or flight response when the need arose. But in some cases, such as during exams, our body gets into this stressful mode creating adrenaline in the same amounts even when it is not required which in turn leads to increased heartbeat, rapid breathing, and much more. Hence, the amount of glucose generated through this is too much for the body to absorb and it ends up storing itself in our muscles, which then makes way for headaches, muscular stiffness, and more.
It is important to understand that Mind and Body share a very deep connection, what the mind will feel the body tends to follow.
Yes, there are some types, few of them are given below:
In cases such, it is necessary to undergo all the investigations so as to rule out any physical malady and to help the clinician form a diagnosis of Medically Unexplained Symptoms.
Medically unexplained symptoms can be emotionally exhausting for both the patient and family and may aggravate over a period of time. With appropriate help from professionals, these symptoms can be managed before arriving at the chronic stage.
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