Are You Burning Out While Taking Care of Your Patient?

Who is a Caregiver?

In India, it is quite common for us to take care of our parents while they get old, or to help our loved ones get through a distressing disease with our support. These acts are called caregiving and a person performing them is known as Caregiver. A caregiver may take charge of necessary treatment decisions, management of medications, transportation, assistance during meal times and much more.

Can a Caregiver Burnout?

While caregiving in itself is rewarding, it may become exhausting as well. With little to no hope, family members may start developing a deteriorating approach, feeling that their patients are not getting well despite their best efforts.

Often, while a loved one is undergoing treatment for a severe physical or psychological ailment, the caregiver may put their life on hold, avoiding friends and family, socially isolating themselves and focusing solely on taking care of the patient.

Caregiver responsibilities may go on for a little while, but not taking care of oneself can generate severe stress levels which can lead to a state of Burnout; where one might feel drained out and completely mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted.

caregiver burnout

What are the signs of a Caregiver's Burnout?

  1. Increased irritability
  2. Anger outbursts or alleviated aggression
  3. Reacting strongly to even the slightest of nuisances
  4. Difficulty in sleeping
  5. Inability to manage emotions
  6. A dreadful sense of feeling “all over the place”
  7. Growing resentful
  8. Finding it difficult to concentrate or manage responsibilities
  9. Unable to enjoy things that were previously enjoyed
  10. Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness

How can it be managed?

Burning out can be extremely tiring for you and it may impact your relationship with your loved one as well as your capacity to take care of them. Many a time, you may feel like going on despite your tiredness and even though you may push yourself, there can come a time when a fall can lead to severe consequences.

Therefore, you need to realize that taking time in between your caregiving duties is not only a must for your well-being but will also boost your strength to take care of your patient as well as bring a fresh perspective around the house.

  1. Go on for small walks by yourself
  2. Spend some time in nature even if it is for 15 minutes
  3. Cook food that you fancy
  4. Play around with your pets
  5. Share your feelings and emotions openly with a loved one
  6. Accept that it is okay to feel tired
  7. Work on your guilt when taking a break
  8. Share responsibilities around the house
  9. Take time to address your health
  10. Socialise with friends whenever possible
  11. Seek help from a professional

Caregiving is a job in itself. It is understandable that your partner/loved one/patient needs your support. But it is also crucial for you to prioritize your well-being as well. Sometimes it is okay to feel hopeless and helpless and sometimes your emotions can run high and that is acceptable too. Nonetheless seeking help from a professional and talking about your feelings openly can provide not only a sense of relief but can also lower down emotional turmoils and pains.

For the best treatments and counseling, one must contact the best psychiatrists as this is a matter of your mental health. They will guide you with the support you need. If you or your loved one is struggling with any kind of emotional pain with any patient or He/She is a caregiver suffering from any kind of trauma, he/she needs to consult a professional for help. Today, we should not to neglect our mental health at any cost. Just check in your nearby rehab center or mental health specialist at the earliest.


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