This New Year, Let’s Prioritize Mental Health

When we think as a society what is something that needs to be worked upon the most, the unanimous answer always comes to Mental Health. As humans, we have created numerous ways to keep our physical health in check but sadly on the road, forgot about our psychological well-being.

What is mental health?

Mental Health as cited by Dr JPS Bhatia is, “the prosperity of a sound mind, which when and if in danger, does not feel threatened, but can stay resilient and find out ways to manage the difficult emotions and situations nonetheless.”

Good mental health therefore is not only essential to lead a happy and fulfilling life but is also necessary for our physiological welfare.

What are the signs of optimal mental health?

  1. Ability to stay calm in stressful situations
  2. Showcasing effective methods to handle difficult emotions
  3. Ability to openly and honestly discuss feelings that become overpowering and readily seek help when required
  4. Positive outlook towards life and self and ability to accept things when they go wrong
  5. Assertively managing the environment and maintaining healthy boundaries
  6. A healthy sense of self-worth and belongingness
  7. Grateful for life and all the events that occur
Optimum Mental Health

Why is taking care of mental health crucial?

With innumerable stimulations in the world, it becomes harder to keep track of our feelings and emotions. We may outrightly practice healthy habits like waking up on time, eating healthy food and exercising every day but that is just a broader spectrum of our health. The deeper layers consist of our mental health, how we deal with upending circumstances, our altruistic goals or our levels of satisfaction with life itself. Sometimes one may have everything and still not feel at peace and that is a big signal of doomed mental health.

By taking care of our minds, we can not only increase our quality of life but also aid those around us.

What can be done to improve mental health?

  1. It is never too late to focus on your mental health and one can start keeping it in check right away with simple acts;
  2. Managing time and all the tasks proactively
  3. Planning and organizing the day throughout
  4. Keeping a gratitude journal and regular day-to-day inventory
  5. Practicing mindfulness at the core of living
  6. Regulating diet, sleep and exercise
  7. Taking out time to spend around with friends and family
  8. Being around nature
  9. Seeking professional help without any shame
Improve Mental Health

Mental health has become one of the widely talked about fields. Many people come up with new ways of managing it and while it is alright, it is really important to understand the need for seeking professional aid. The stigma associated with not only psychological issues but with psychiatric facilities itself can pose a hindrance in seeking aid and may cause further problems for the clients. As a society, it becomes our job to de-stigmatise this field and to help each other to come forward and talk about it openly, without feeling scared or ashamed.

This year, let’s focus on bettering ourselves so that we can be better for those around us and build a world filled with hope and love.


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Mental Health is Crucial