Have you ever wondered why when you act in a manner that is so? Why is it that you disagree with people so strongly on some subjects and for some you don’t even feel bothered?
This is because of our “Belief Systems.”
As individuals, we grow up in a unique setting with our families, where whatever is strongly believed in by our loved ones is inculcated in our minds and that’s how we develop perceptions of the world. For instance, for some touching alcohol is taboo but in some households, it is okay, for some eating in bed is prohibited but in some all the members sit together for a meal in bed.
Some of these perceptions are subjected to our circumstances and remain as solid as a hard-core brick wall. These beliefs not only provide us with a vision to see the world and to feel every emotion but also turn us into who we are on the inside and the outside.
So, why working on them is so crucial?
Let me tell you one thing. Imagine there is a boy wearing sunglasses at night. Do you think he will be able to see clearly?
Just like these sunglasses, our beliefs provide a tint to see the world through. Sometimes they are really helpful but sometimes they are not and in situations like these, it is better to get them out of the way so as not to have a compromised vision.
Belief systems need to be upgraded as time passes by, when they are not, they pose a hindrance to our growth. Our perceptions are strongly linked with our actions as well as reactions. The more firmly we believe in something, the higher chances we have to act in a certain manner.
I have seen multiple patients who have a set belief system where they wither with time but are neither able to recognise nor update their beliefs.
It is said that with time, one should change and nothing more truer has ever been said. With time, we go through a series of events that help us develop into better beings but only when we are open to change. Think of your thoughts as clothes, as you grow you need bigger and better sizes similarly your thoughts work. The more you are open to change, the brighter your world can be.
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