Seeking responsibility is not solely focused on just completing a task or taking initiative. It is about accepting that you are responsible for your actions in life and judiciously acting in a manner that benefits you and those around you.
In my years of experience as a Psychiatrist, I have seen people using all sorts of defence mechanisms to deflect from their responsibilities, unaware of the fact that how it is hampering not only their lives, and their personal growth but their physiology as humans as well.
We, humans, have over 40 neurotransmitters in our brain that have multiple functions that I would not get into detail. However, one particular brain chemical is of interest, namely DOPAMINE. Yes, we all know that Dopamine is referred to as pleasure hormone but it is also known as “Reward Chemical“, meaning that when we complete a task, dopamine is released in our brain making us feel all good and pleasurable.
Nevertheless, seeking responsibility is important for all of us to have a healthy lifestyle. It may seem insignificant but alas has significant results in our daily lives.
We all have seen someone, who has got it all together, who is always on time, is taking responsibility for everything they deem necessary, have become resourceful and while completing what all is required, seem to enjoy it and get ahead on all of it, on time while managing to have time for themselves at the end of the day! Have we all not wished to be like this someone? Who enjoy life, take what is necessary and work on themselves. That is possible.
What you have to do is just be yourself and focus on your life and how to grow it.
When we look at these people, we are mesmerised and all we wish is to be like them. What we forget is that we don’t have to be like them, we just have to work on our habits to make us as effective as other people and use those habits only to improve our lives and what we have.
Seeking responsibility is a life-saving skill whose value all of us have never been able to fully comprehend. Your parents might tell you to be responsible, to complete tasks, to plan, they may push you to the very end. You may not like it, but its importance is far greater than you realise.
Response-ability in itself tells us that we can respond to our situation and not react. Because we are under-prepared and have tinted our perceptions negatively we react to situations and let them control us, while the better alternative could be to respond to them.
We need to access our situations, our present and how we have been acting for as long as we can remember. The people who are successful in life make it their priority that they meet life heads, they are readily in charge of their actions, and no matter what kind of situation comes, they meet the challenges with anticipation and a sense of eagerness, instead of letting the environment control them, they focus on what decisions to be made to better achieve the outcome than letting everything go array.
They are people who understand that their life is set by their own decisions and not their circumstances and it’s high time that we all start realising this.
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